Boredom Buster #4

June 15, 2009

We are still going strong with our Boredom Buster’s!! Help us stamp out boredom this summer with your own tips to keep kids busy in the comments!

Sidewalk chalk used for timber marking field e...
Image by esagor via Flickr

Boredom Buster #4

Sidewalk Chalk: This is always a great boredom buster! There are all sorts of different accessories for sidewalk chalk these days too… but, the best is just letting the kids get creative.

You can help by giving them a sort of game to play… or have them make up a game with their chalk drawings… or, they can draw a story… build hopscotch… draw a desert island and boats to get there on… let their imagination go wild at a park sidewalk or in your driveway.

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Boredom Buster #3

June 14, 2009

We are still on a roll here… cutting boredom from the summer of 2009! Here is boredom buster number 3…

Boredom Buster #3

Kids' Bike Parade
Image by plien via Flickr

March In A Parade: This is perfect for right around 4th of July – let the kids decorate their bikes, trikes or wagon and put on a parade! There doesn’t really have to be a special occassion – they can just have a summer parade too!

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Boredom Buster #2

June 13, 2009

We are continuing our series to help fight BOREDOM this summer… No more hearing ‘I’m Bored Mom!’ this summer with these fantastic tips. Do you have something add? Leave a comment and we’ll be sure to feature it in a future post.

Boredom Buster #2

Arts and Crafts Bin: Set a budget and hit the dollar store or craft store to build a bin of craft supplies. Take the kids with you and give them $5-10 to add to the bin things that interest them. Once a week, pull out the arts and crafts bin for them to create.

A few things to consider including:

  • pipe cleaners
  • wooden craft sticks
  • stickers
  • puffy paints
  • fabric swatches
  • felt pieces
  • yarn
  • ribbons
  • scissors, glue, tape, etc.
  • paper plates
  • foil
  • pretty papers (scrapbooking paper?)
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Fight Boredom With Fun At Home This Summer

June 12, 2009

We are starting a series to help fight boredom this summer!

Tired of hearing, “I’m Bored Mom”? All it takes is a little bit of preparation and planning… and we are here to help!

Over the next week we will be highlighting some fun ways to keep your kids from being bored this summer. If you have something to add – please share, and I’ll feature it in a future post.

Boredom Buster #1

Backyard Camp Out: Set up your tent right in your backyard for an overnight stay… If camping outside is just a little too much for your little ones, you can still have a camp-out by having a fun campfire (check out this campfire in a box for your backyard – too cool!) and then you can make your own s’mores! If the camp fire in the box is a bit much – there are these little s’more grills you can get. We have one and it works great! The point is to get outside and have a great time creating yummy treats over a fire.

What you might need:

Do you have a favorite Boredom Buster? Leave a comment sharing your tip and we’ll feature it later – giving you full credit, of course! 🙂

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Getting Outdoors – Family Friendly Day Hike Finder

June 10, 2009

www.trails.comI just spent an hour poking around at different programs to manage and help me plan my summer… then, silly me, realized that google has a great calendar to use! duh… I already use google calendar on my igoogle page for meal planning – it makes sense to use it for planning summer activities too!

One of the things my hubby and I have talked about is our desire to get outside and do a day hike at least every other week this summer. We want to shoot for every week – but, that might be pushing it with the other goodies we have planned 😉

So, as I was planning these day hikes to get them on my google calendar – I stumbled on this website: – you can search by state and find out whether a trail is kid friendly or now. I’m just trying it out now… but, thought I’d share.

Do you know of another website or resources to find good family friendly hikes around the country?

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Get Ready For Summer Boredom Busters!

June 10, 2009

Boredom Busters

Here they come… Tomorrow we start a series of Boredom Busters so you never have to hear “I’m Bored Mom” during the summer of 2009! 🙂 Ahhh… doesn’t that sound nice?

If you want to participate – be sure to share your favorite boredom buster and we will include it as a post. I’m going to try to get Mr. Linky to work – but, I’ve never done that before… so, we’ll have to just see if it coorperates. In the mean time, feel free to leave a comment sharing your tip for keeping summer sane with little ones.

See you tomorrow!

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Fitness For Kids

June 10, 2009

I have a feeling I’ll be mentioning this again once the rain sets in later this year… but, it is on my mind and even though it’s summer (YAY!) and warm (DOUBLE YAY!) and I really want my kids to be outside as much as possible… this is a great way to get kids moving when they are indoors.

The library is one of our favorite places… (no this isn’t about going to the library) and we stumbled on this video that is so cool! I love Denise Austin – and she has a Fit Kids video that is loads of fun. My kids are 9, 6 and 4 and all three of them could have done this all afternoon. Denise does an amazing job with motivating the kids and getting them moving… all I did was stick it in the DVD player and the kids started moving on their own 🙂 In fact, my 6 year old was determined to not watch the movie I was putting on… she was sitting in the rocking chair pretending not to watch. My 9 year old and 4 year old were starting to get into it and pretty soon, I heard my 6 year old say, “Hey, you’re in my way!” heehee! Love it… within minutes she was up doing all the moves too and having a great time!

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Now THIS is a cookie!

June 1, 2009

Kendra at My First Kitchen just posted the recipe to these cookies…
Oh. My.

Seriously… my mouth is watering and I’m tempted to stop at the store to pick up some ingredients on my way home so I can make me some of these…

They sound absolutely AMAZING! Of course, I’ll post a full review after I have actually tried them – but, honestly, there is no doubt in my mind that they will impress…
If you haven’t checked out My First Kitchen and you love to cook – you are in for a nice surprise… It’s one of my favorite stops each day.
Do you have a favorite cookie recipe? Please share…

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Incentive for kids this summer…

May 28, 2009

I just read a great idea over at Like Merchant Ships

I don’t know about you – but, our kids earn money for different things throughout the week/month… isn’t it depressing to see all their hard work go towards ONE measly toy simply because the toy is over priced?

Check out this very cool solution! Love this idea… and with garage sales popping up all over the place this time of year, this is super easy to get going!

Do you have a favorite way to reward your kids?

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Moms make the best photographers!

May 26, 2009

I’ve been poking around the blog-o-sphere and have noticed something… Moms take the best pictures of their kids! They seem to be able to anticipate those moments that are worth capturing forever on film (or in digital form ;-))

My friend Kendra started up a site a couple years ago called ClickinMoms and I finally got around to checking it out… WOW! These women are amazing! Not only is this a great place to share your amazing pictures with other moms — but, there are all sorts of tutorials to create better pictures… whether it be of your children… or of your wonderful creations that you are looking to sell on

Check out this amazing community of women who have a passion for photography today and get 10% off!

Kendra is offering a 10% OFF discount to my blog readers through the end of June… Be sure to use this coupon code for the discount: FRIEND

You can learn more by clicking here

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Cool Contest… UPrinting Giveaway

May 20, 2009

This is super cool…

My friend Susan over at From the Narrows is doing a giveaway. I hadn’t heard of UPrinting before – but, I have now! Susan is giving away a 16×20 poster print of the winner’s picture of choice. Moms are often the best photographer’s… and many have some great pictures of their families and/or kids… wouldn’t it be cool to have these pictures blown up to a 16×20 poster size??

It’s super easy to enter… Just leave a comment on Susan’s post about the giveaway HERE.

Good Luck!

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$.25 a BOX for Dishwashing soap

May 14, 2009

My big box of dishwashing soap from Costco finally ran out. Honestly, I really think that dishwashing soap is one of the things that is way over priced… being on a tight budget, I wasn’t looking forward to buying it this trip. But, to the store we went… and when I got to the dishwashing soap aisle – I was thrilled!

The FINISH brand diswashing soap packets was on sale for 4/$5 (regularly $4.99 each!)… PLUS, my daughter found a set of coupons next to the display for $1.00 off! If you do the math… $.25 a box!! I bought $40 worth of soap for a whoppin’ TWO DOLLARS! 🙂 And, to make me feel even better… that’s 140 loads of dishes… just over a PENNY for dishwashing soap per load.

I never, ever, thought I would be giddy over dishwashing soap 🙂

BTW – If you are in the Pacific Northwest area, you can get this deal too by heading to your local Fred Meyer…

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Best Kept Secret For Tired Moms!

May 13, 2009

A make-up expert let me in on one of the BEST KEPT SECRETS FOR TIRED MOMS!

I am so excited to share this with you… Are you like me? Do you struggle with tired eyes from those late nights with your little ones? I never had bags under my eyes or dark circles… until I had a child who didn’t sleep through the night for over a year! Then came baby #2… and baby #3… and well – it was just inevitable.

Last month, I was so excited to learn about a very simple tip to help brighten and open eyes (or at least make them appear bright and open 😉 — hey, I’ll take what I can get!)…

Here is the SECRET:

You know those white eye liner pencils? You take a white eye liner and apply it to the inner lower lid. That’s it! It creates a sheen that makes your eyes look more open and… AWAKE! It’s better than toothpicks – I promise! 🙂

Do you have a make up secret for tired moms?

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News is covering these amazing MOMprenuers….

May 12, 2009

I actually enjoyed watching the news last night. There is so much garbage covered on the news… but, last night I was excited to hear the segment on local momprenuers! Although I’m convinced there are more than just the two they covered (I personally know of 5-10 in my area and I know there are more!), it was fun to see what these successful moms are doing to being in some extra money. And, I might add, they are quite successful at it too 🙂

One of the moms started the company that makes those Buggie Wipes. Very cool little invention… and a fun company! 🙂

The other mom that they covered was the creator of the website Hot Coupon World. I hadn’t heard of this site before – and it is HOPPIN’!! WOW! Talk about loads of couponing resources – I spent about 20 minutes on it last night and didn’t even make a dent in all the resources available there. Go check it out – membership is FREE!! Here is the link:

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Beauty and Bedlam for Mother’s Day Traditions

May 7, 2009

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time being encouraged over at Beauty and Bedlam… Let me tell you, Jen, is FULL of encouragement for moms… and it isn’t just words – she has all sorts of tips for making mommying easier. Her specialty is food… oh wait… maybe it is bargain shopping… or it could be family traditions… hmmm… she is just full of great stuff to share!

I follow her blog in my google reader… and I usually save her blog for last to read – because I just know I’m going to walk away feeling encouraged and like I can face my crazy day with kids hanging on me… I love that!

Mothers Day Traditions

Mother's Day Traditions

For Mother’s Day, Jen has posted some great suggestions for traditions to start for families. She even has a downloadable sheet to make it super easy! My favorite is the Mother’s Day cake… maybe we’ll do that this year.

Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions? If so, I’d love to hear about them… but, whether you do or don’t – go check out Jen’s site for some great new ideas to make your mom feel extra special this year.

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Spring Cleaning… Didn’t We Just Do This?

May 4, 2009

I love spring… well, could do without all the rain – but, those sunny days with everything in bloom – LOVE THEM! And, they are so motivating to me too. It’s funny – here in the Pacific NorthWest, we’ll have a series of cloudy, gloomy days… then, a spurt of sunny days… and back to the gloom of gray for a few days. It really drives my emotions crazy because the sun gets me motivated to get up and CLEAN… but, the gray skies make me want to sit and enjoy hot cocoa with the kids. It is a bit of a roller-coaster… and unfortunately, sometimes my home is on a roller coaster right along with me.

I think I have finally come to the conclusion that I’m kind of an all or nothing girl. When I clean – I have to be able to get it ALL done… or I just won’t do it. I don’t know about you, but, if I only get it half way done, it feels pointless because it is that much easier for the house to get back to the condition it was before I even started. I think it is the perfectionist in me… I mean, it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful (learned that from the Nester)… but, if I can’t get it close, I get overwhelmed and shut down – and, believe me – that isn’t good for anybody! hehe…

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Making Dinner With My 9, 6 and 3 year old

April 13, 2009

The other night we had so much fun making dinner as a family… I am LOVING getting my kids more involved in the kitchen! Not only are they learning great life skills (how to cook, nutrition, teamwork, etc.)… but, they are working together and also enjoy the responsibility! It is amazing to me how much better they eat when they play a part in creating what they are eating.

So – Friday night, we BBQ’d cheesburgers (I know – super healthy!) … My 6 year old was totally into making the patties. We added all sorts of spices and sauces – I don’t think we will every be able to recreate the wonderful taste of the final meal!! But, it is the memory that counts, right? What I remember… we added a little salt, pepper, garlic, onion, BBQ sauce and who knows what else… mixed it in a bowl with our bare hands (she loved this part!) and then made 6 patties. I should have known to buy more ground hamburger… lesson learned.

While she was helping me make the patties… hubby started up the grill, and I got my 3 year old putting a little bit of butter on the buns so we could toast them ever so slightly. He was too cute… my ‘little bit of butter’ and his ‘little bit of butter’ are quite different. So, my 6 year old helped him add some and spread it around… precious!

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Add some KICK to your kid’s Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

March 20, 2009

We love grilled cheese sandwiches in our house… served along side sliced apples to dip in peanut butter or with a nice bowl of tomato soup… But, sometimes it becomes our stand by and the kids get bored with it. Christine, over at Kids Approved Meals has put together this great article on ways you can get out of the rut of grilled cheese and make it a new favorite for everyone!

Spicing Up Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Grilled cheese sandwiches are the least cumbersome meal to prepare. Kids can even learn to prepare it themselves. The ones I used to make contained regular cheese and white bread with margarine to cook it. Here are a few ways to make that grilled cheese sandwich healthier for your little ones.

First of all you need to slim the cheese. Full fat cheeses are a thing of the past. A slice of fat free cheese melts just the same with fewer calories and fat. If American cheese is too boring, try a slice of Swiss or cheddar cheese. Monterey Jack is good on a sandwich, also. One slice of cheese is plenty, but if you are using the fat free kind, you could probably get by with two slices for a creamier sandwich.

What about the bread? The bread is a key element. White bread contains too many sugars that are bad for you. Try whole wheat or seven grain bread. Sourdough bread would make a good substitution. What you want is bread with fewer calories and carbohydrates per serving.

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Things got you down?

February 21, 2009

This has been the most difficult winter for me since we have moved to the Pacific NW. I’m SO ready for spring and summer… to wear shorts… to need my sunglasses again… to ride bikes and go on hikes… to get some fresh air and not have to bundle up to be outside… doesn’t that sound nice?

Well… I’ve decided to bring spring in a little early…

Not only are we spring cleaning (and I mean… spring DUMPING – can’t believe how much stuff we have to get rid of)… but, I’m determined to get over these winter time blues and plow through to those sunshine months.

Here is my plan…

I’m getting up earlier… I am SO not a morning person – but, when I am up early, I really enjoy the morning hours. I’d love to get up when my hubby leaves at 6:30 – but, I’m going to be more realistic and shoot for 7:30 (my kids sleep until 8:30 or so… I know – I’m lucky… but, it hasn’t always been this way).

I’m eating better… I have a group of friends that is doing a simple ‘Biggest Loser’ type of thing and it is very motivating! I’ve got loads of baby weight to lose (can I call it that – since my baby just turned 4?!?)… but, lost 2 pounds last week – just enough to keep me going!

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Avoiding The Morning Rush

September 14, 2008

It’s stressful isn’t it? Having to get all those things ready, trying not to forget anything, not to mention bickering kids, tantrums about what to wear or the sleepy head who doesn’t want to wake up. No, the morning rush isn’t any fun but luckily there are a few things you can do to bring peace back into your family’s morning routine.

Prepare Ahead – Sounds simple enough but did you know you could actually leave just about everything ready for the next day? It might take a few extra minutes out of your evening but you’ll be much faster if you prepare everything once the kids are asleep rather than rushing in the morning.

Lay out the kids clothes for the next day – Include things like hair clips, socks and shoes. And don’t forget to lay out your clothes too.

Leave breakfast ready (or nearly ready) – Depending on what you have for breakfast you can often pre-prepare a lot of it. If you have pancakes make the batter the night before and stick it in the fridge. If you have cereal and toast, leave the cereal out, bowls, spoons and bread. You can even set the table to save time.

Pre-Pack Lunch Boxes – If your kids take a packed lunch to school prepare it the night before. Most things like sandwiches will be fine left in the fridge overnight.

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Avoiding Packed Lunch Boredom

September 13, 2008

It’s not easy to keep coming up with healthy and fun school lunch ideas. No wonder most parents tend to pack the same foods over and over again. So just how do you avoid packed lunch boredom? Here are some simple ideas to spice up your child’s lunch box.

Change the Bread – Or don’t use bread at all. Kids can get bored with sandwiches so why not try the same fillings but make it a little more exciting by changing the bread. You can try pitta bread, bagels, tortilla wraps or even crackers or breadsticks. You can place the fillings on the side and your child can assemble the crackers or sandwiches themselves.

Try a Salad – Not your typical lettuce and tomato salad, what kid would get excited by that? But instead try a pasta salad or potato salad. Cook and drain the pasta or potatoes and mix with a little mayonnaise or olive oil, add some cut up veggies such as corn kernels, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots; add some sliced turkey, chicken or ham and place in a plastic travel container.

Fun, Fun, Fun – On the days where you go for the traditional sandwich try cutting the bread with fun shapes using cookie cutter. You can also cut slices of cheese or ham into fun shapes. Cookie cutters are something every mom should make good use of. You’ll be amazed at how a boring cheese sandwich will get gobbled up when shaped into a flower or dinosaur.

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Creating a Soothing & Practical Baby Nursery

September 12, 2008

Decorating your baby’s nursery is certainly exciting and a lot of fun. As well as creating a soothing environment, your baby’s nursery should be practical and safe.

Make sure there are no electrical switches, blind cords or other hazards where baby can reach them.

Try to plan a nursery your child won’t outgrow. Choose a theme that’s classic and both you and baby can live with for some time. It can be expensive and time consuming if the nursery dates too quickly.

Also you don’t have to stick to traditional baby colors such as pink for girls and blue for boys. With the huge range of paint colors available now you can experiment a little.

For an extra special touch try painting a mural on one of the walls. If art isn’t really your forte you can usually find a good local artists willing to take the job on for a reasonable price. You can also stencil a border around the room or stencil in your favorite poem or verse.

When choosing the furniture, make sure it’s functional. You’ll need a crib, changing table, and storage for clothes. You may also want a moses basket or basinet. It’s always smart to think ahead and invest in convertible furniture like a crib which turns into a toddler bed or a change table/dresser which can later be used as a dresser only. This will cost a little bit more but will actually save you from having to invest in furniture again in a few years.

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Fun and educational toddler activities

September 12, 2008

Toddlers, ever going, never tiring and ultimately chaotic… so just how do you find enough activities to keep them entertained?

Toddlers aren’t old enough to entertain themselves or get involved in pretend play (without a little help), which means it’s up to you to keep them entertained and happy. The best activities for toddlers are fun-filled while still fully helping them developmentally.

So what are some fun but also educational activities for your toddler? The good news is that toddlers are fairly easy to entertain so there’s no need to go out and spend a fortune or turn your house into an amusement park.

Here are a few fun ideas:

Go for a nature walk – Educational yet lots of fun. Your toddler will love exploring and collecting different treasures to bring home. Point out big leaves to him or different colored plants or flowers. Collect opposites such as a small leaf and a big leaf or a small stick and a big stick.

Take your time and have fun. Don’t worry if you don’t live near a nature reserve or park. A simple walk around your neighborhood will be sufficient. Your toddler won’t mind and there will still be lots for him to see.

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Fun Kid Snack Ideas

September 11, 2008

It’s no secret kids love to snack. In fact left to their own devices a lot of kids would rather snack all day than sit down to full meals, but with so many snack times how do you keep snacks exciting and fun? Here are a few healthy and fun ideas:

Fruit on a Stick – Cut up a bunch of different fruits such as apples, bananas, kiwis, mango and add a few grapes. Thread them onto a skewer for a delicious summer time treat. To make it a little more special add a few pieces of marshmallows between the fruit.

Quick Banana Ice – Take a few bananas and mash them in a bowl. Cover and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Remove from freezer, fluff up with fork for a healthy, ice cream like treat.

Pitta Pizza – Spread a little tomato sauce on a pitta bread and cut into small triangular pieces. Top with a little grated cheese and place in a moderately heated oven for about 5 to 10 minutes until the cheese melts and starts to bubble.

Sweet Tortilla Shapes – Using small fun shaped cookie cutters cut fun shapes out of a tortilla (wrap). Place on non stick cookie sheet and lightly brush with a little butter. Lightly sprinkle (you only need a little) with a mixture of 1 part cinnamon and 3 parts brown sugar and bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 minutes for a sweet and crispy treat.

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Road Trips and Kids – Tips To Help You Survive

September 10, 2008

Are we there yet? Road trips with kids are definitely one of life’s experiences. If you’re traveling by road this summer with a car full of kids or even one, these tips will help you keep the kids entertained while helping you keep your sanity in the process.

Make Comfort a Priority – Again, making your kids comfortable should be on top of your checklist for road travel. Take along travel blankets and pillows. If the weather is hot place a light shade on the windows to avoid the bright sunlight. If it’s cold out make sure your kids have plenty of layers on and don’t forget their favorite stuffed animal or teddy bear.

Pack Their Favorites – Let each child pack a little back pack with their favorite toys, books or even snacks. It’s exciting for them to pack their own special bag and it’s nice for them to have their favorite things close at hand. This also helps you avoid them wanting to bring along their whole room. The rule is if it fits in their bags they can bring it, if it doesn’t then it has to stay.

Make Plenty of Stops – If you are going to drive for several hours, remember children don’t have the same patience as adults, so make sure you take plenty of rest breaks along the way. You can stop at rest stations but also playgrounds or parks, where you can all stretch, or alternatively visit a fast food restaurant which has a separate play area for the kids.

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